Ep. 31: Appreciating the writing journey – even the not-so-fun parts

In this episode, I discuss some of the major ups-and-downs that commonly occur along a writer’s journey. While nobody likes to feel uninspired, untalented, or rejected, learning to see the big picture and ride that creative bronco can help us to create a writing life that is both sustainable and satisfying.

Ep. 29: How publishing’s paradigm shift can be good for writers

In this episode, I discuss the current climate in traditional publishing and how some of the uncomfortable shifts can actually be a positive thing for writers who are willing to ride the wave of change.

Ep. 28: Rights reversion in traditional publishing

In this episode, I discuss what happens after the rights to your traditionally published book revert back to you. This can happen for any number of reasons, and it opens up some interesting possibilities for authors.

Ep. 27: Taking the show on the road

The Groovy Writer hits the road! Watch the video podcast here! Join Nicole as she makes a foray into roadcasting. Thereโ€™s nothing like a writer on the move.

Ep. 23: Things for writers to try this year

From leveling up in your skills to switching up your writing routine, here’s a list of 10 things writers should think about about trying in order to “improve the groove.” Nicole has tried tried all of these over the years, so she can attest to how beneficial they can be. Some have even become permanently ...