Ep. 37: Is it REALLY harder than ever to be a querying writer or a writer on submission?

Episode 37: Lately, many aspiring and established authors have taken to social media to proclaim how much harder than ever it is to be a writer querying agents or an agented writer with a manuscript out on submission. I have some thoughts.

Ep. 34: When good things happen…to other writers

Ep. 34: No writer enjoys being in the clutches of the little green monster known as creative jealousy. Unfortunately, feeling envious of other writers’ successes is a reality for many of us at one time or another. Join me as I share some of my own struggles with this beastie over the years and what ...

Ep. 25: Embracing the pause

Whether you’re interested in traditional or indie publishing, knowing how to build pauses into the writing process from start to finish can make all the difference in the world when it comes to the quality of the finished product. In this episode, Nicole discusses the typical “pause points” for writers in all categories and genres. ...

Ep. 22: How I became a hybrid author with my newest novel, The Jilliad

As a traditionally published novelist since 2013, I’d never given serious thought to indie publishing. Then 2020 happened, and I took another look at a publishing option that has evolved by leaps and bounds in the past decade. Taking a deep dive into research set me on the path to becoming the hybrid author I ...

Ep. 19: The lure of the indie/hybrid publishing path

Departing from my fairly frequent discussions of traditional publishing, I wanted to start a conversation about a strong alternative to the traditional route for writers. Indie publishing is in a golden age right now, and while this path has its pros and cons (just like traditional publishing), I’ve been spending time lately discovering just what ...